Sunday, May 04, 2008

Morning Treasures

Every morning we get to have the most beautiful egg hunt! Aren't these lovely? The green ones come from our Ameracauna hens, as do the pink ones. The large dark brown ones come from our old Red Sussex hens, and these tiny dark ones we have no idea where they're coming from. Two in one day and these are the first we're seeing of them. Now it's a mystery to sort out whose eggs they are. They're the size and weight of a quail egg! But not the right colour. Any ideas out there?


Heather said...

Oh, what egg hunt every day. Isn't it strange that the pink ones are also from the Ameracauna hens, aren't they talented.

Andrea said...

They must be one of your banty hens don't you think? Your banties aren't all Wyandotte banties, right? Some are different?

Mary-Sue said...

Yes, Heather, Ameracauna hens are my favourites, I've decided. Well, them and the Brahma hen (our mother hen) and the banties...
You know, Andrea, I just can't sort out these eggs. The size doesn't show up that well here. They're less than an inch long! they're TEENY TINY! And I thought we'd been getting banty eggs all along -- we get several small whitish eggs every week!